Butterfly Bundle

Monday, September 19, 2011


All last winter, spring and early summer, I was mesmerized at the computer watching the hatching, growth and development of a family of 3 eaglets.  It was such an amazing experience to be able to observe the wonderful parenting of both the male and female as well as to watch the growth of the eaglets from little balls of fluff to juveniles now out on their own.  I can hardly wait to see how the parents restore the nest in preparation for their next family.  This is one of two cards - unfortunately the one that I scanned is the one that is a bit crooked. One went to the friend who introduced me to the website and the other to the owner of the web cam and the eagle project. If you had been watching the nest, you would recognize the red twine that caused so much concern, the corn husks, fish, fluff, sticks...  A fun project.  The camera is still on the empty nest. The parents are beginining to come back to the nest for very short visits in the early morning and I've seen the male move a few sticks around. They will be preparing the nest for the next clutch and that will be fascinating to watch.

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