Butterfly Bundle

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Cards for the Troops

As many of you know, I have been actively collecting and making cards for the troops. My fellow Demonstrators and stampers have been very, very generous in providing hundreds of card fronts and full cards. Some arrive with envelopes, which is especially welcome.

The cards are sent to our troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and the wounded warriors hospital in Germany. Some have messages written in them to the troops and those go directly to Chaplains to distribute to those men and women who don't receive as much mail. Or - they may be put in the goodie boxes sent to the troops.

Most of the cards are left blank so that they can be made available for our troops to use to send to their friends and loved ones. Of course, we need envelopes for those, so that is why we appreciate donations.

Here are some of the cards that we have made in multiples of 10-20-30, depending on how much card stock and designer paper we have available. These are all made with retired papers, so I won't list those. The patriotic stamps are among my favorites but will be available only until January. I'm sorry to see them retire, but maybe there will be something just as nice to replace them. Let's hope so.

You can check the website of the organization I work with at: It is an excellent non-profit organization that was started by a Mom in the community where I used to live when her son was deployed in Iraq. If you look at the website, you will see how it has grown and the many, many people it serves. Amazing!
Here are some of the cards that we have made.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your new blog & what a great cause. I'll be back to check out more of your post.